Friday, October 10, 2008

In need of a bit more help, Please...

I have gotten a lot done...big accomplishment for me. I do not get a long well with computers. Anyhow, need to figure out how to make my pictures bigger. They are timy compared to everyone else! Kelsey, you are a pro, so help me again when you get the chance! Thx...


Blogger Kelsey said...

Hmmm, I think you're putting them in the wrong place. Did you mean for Lilly's haircut to be on the side or in a post?

If you want pics to appear in a post, just add a new post like normal and there is an icon (alongside font and italics and text size buttons) that says add image. Then you can browse your computer files and add up to 5 or 6at a time.

That's also where you can decide what size you want it (small, med, or large) and how you want it centered on your page. I leave mine on medium and centered because I've never been able to get it to look right putting the pics off to the side.

Also, some people choose to reduce the size of their photos before uploading them to their blog, but I'm lazy and also Chris' mom likes to grab the full size ones for herself, so it's up to you. You will enventually run out of free space though.

Your blog looks great! And I can't believe Lilly cut her hair!! You've waited so long for her hair to grow out. I'm not looking forward to the first self-cut here, but I'm sure it'll happen.

Oh, and one more thing, you'll probably have fun figuring out how to move pics or text around once you have them all in a post. I'm not sure if there's a better way, but I always go into the edit html tab and cut and paste whatever I need to.

Friday, October 10, 2008  

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