Thursday, October 30, 2008

Grandpa Tex is Oregon Bound...

Whew, what a hectic day. Mac had a field trip today and we left at 7:30 this morning. We went to the Franz bakery in downtown Portland and then to The Outback restaurant for some lunch. It was a great filed trip, but with a very large group of kids, it was a bit hectic! The kids seem a bit more rowdy than usual because Halloween is so close-
On another note, we got my Dad a ticket today to come visit us for Christmas! We are very excited that he is coming. He will be here for Christmas and New Years! We are planning a lot of fun stuff for while he is here.
Hope you all have a SPOOKY HALLOWEEN!
I will get pictures of the kids posted as soon as I can. Love ya all-


Blogger Tanya said...

Glad to hear that your dad will make it to your house for Christmas, too bad we will be short your family for Christmas this year, we will sure miss ya'll.

Friday, October 31, 2008  
Blogger Pat and Laura Potter said...

Yes, I really did want to come home for christmas this year to be with all of you. We just can't afford the air fare for all 4 of us this year with our new house and all. It was a lot more affordable to just buy my Dad a ticket. John will be in Norway with Nora and I didn't want Dad to just stay at home & wasn't sure if he would go to Pecos or not-
(he is so stubborn)
I will be thinking of you all and I know it will be a difficult one- I sure miss Big John & Mema. I still catch myself thinking of calling him up for a chat...

Saturday, November 01, 2008  

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