Thursday, November 24, 2011

Headed Home...

I am leaving in the morning for home. I am going by myself so I can have a few days to get things done, planned and organized. John Allen will be meeting up with me and the family in Ft. Davis on Monday. We have a lot to do. My precious babies and Pat will fly in on Thursday, the 1st of December to join us all. Ironically, the 1st is my youngest (Lil' Griff) b-day. He will be 2 years old.
As of now, we are awaiting a signature on Dad's death certificate. It should be done as of today. This enables the funeral home in Utah where Dad currently is- to file all the permits we need and book the flight to finally bring him home. John Allen and a few others will be building a pine box to bury him in. This was one of Dad's requests and something that we are more than willing to do in order to honor his wishes. As long as there are no glitches/hang-ups with the permits, etc from Utah...Dad should be home by Wednesday, the 30th. We do not have an exact date set for the burial, but I can tell you that it will be in Ft. Davis.
I want to thank everyone for all the kind words, prayers and thoughts that my family has received since this terrible tragedy has taken place. I still have no words- please just keep praying for us all to have the strength and courage needed to get through the next few days and weeks. I will post more updates as they come. Love you all.
In His Grip- Laura & Family


Blogger Idle Chatter and Random Thoughts said...

This photo is one of my favorites of you and your dad. It's very sweet.

Sunday, November 27, 2011  

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