Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Griff is In Control...

This is one BIG MESS crafted by one smart, little Dude that is totally in control of certain situations...Griff follows Grandpa Tex around almost constantly. Why??
Well, let's just say that he has figured out that Grandpa Tex will at some point forget to close a door to a room that he knows he is not allowed in, or Grandpa will possibly leave his laptop on the kitchen bar where it's easily within reach and even sometimes leave his coffee cup within his reach as well.
In Grandpa's defense- he has done REALLY well at tolerating all our Griff-Proofing that we have done around here! I agree, it's NUTS...but we do what we gotta do! Griff is just super quick and very crafty! He can spot instantly anything that is out of place for him to get into and he doesn't waste even a second to get to it! GRRRR...
This morning- I have no doubts that Griff was just waiting for Grandpa to get out of the bathroom...he was betting that he'd leave the door open. I was down stairs and thought that Griff was sweetly in the playroom entertaining himself. I should have known better! I walked into the bathroom to find this mess. He was having a ball. He ate a whole tube of toothpaste- thanks goodness it was fluoride free. He was working on eating his way through a tub of Vaseline, using his toothbrush as a spoon. (This ought to make the next few diaper changes a bit interesting!!)
He had played in the toilet, the sink, the bath tub and made sure to empty every drawer in sight. He also made sure to use all the Q-Tips and put a nice, thick coat of baby powder, baking soda and shampoo on the floor and cabinets. I am not even going to tell you how long it took to clean this all up. YIKES-
Yep, Griff is definitely in control!


Blogger Kelsey said...

Oh yuck! I would have flipped out! Since it wasn't Robert though, I'm having a hard time not laughing :) I'm certain I will have a mess like this at some point.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011  

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