Thursday, October 6, 2011

Mr. Griff

Mr. Griff is now 22 months, where in the heck does time go? The boy is very busy. He runs (no walking) everywhere, all day long. If he isn't running, it's because he is climbing or jumping. He chats up a storm in his own little language...he can say a few words here and there and if you tick him off, you better be ready for a major butt-chewing! It's hilarious. He has an escape plan for anything and everything that he does NOT want to do- for example: if he needs a diaper change, some clothes, his face wiped, etc- he magically and somehow quietly disappears. I found him out in the back yard the other morning because he saw me coming down the stairs with a diaper and clothes in hand. It was raining and 50 degrees out, but he was flat out refusing to get dressed! It took me a few minutes to get him back in the house and I had to wrestle with him to get him dressed.

His favorite pair of clothing at the moment, is his rubber boots. It's the only thing he wears all the time. He is such a hoot. He loves having Grandpa Tex here. He watches him all the time...sort of checking him out. He hasn't been to keen on letting him hold him, but he follows him everywhere and laughs at him a lot. It's pretty darn cute to watch. He also knows that Grandpa Tex will leave stuff around for him to get in too, so he makes the most of that as well. I can't wait for him to talk more. He is very animated and has a lot of great expressions and personality. The name Griff fits him all to well!


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