Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Reptile Man visits...

We had a "pre-party" for Mac today. He is almost 10! As most of you know, he is lover of animals and The Reptile Man payed him a visit today!
We had 29 kids here!


The Snapping Turtle...

Lots of Snakes...

This is Mac's 5th year of collecting items for The Oregon Humane Society at his birthday parties. He asks each guest to bring an item in lieu of a present for himself. He loves taking all the stuff into the shelter and visiting with the animals.
What a haul! The Humane Society will put all these donations to great use. Thanks to all of you for coming and sharing Mac's passion about all creatures! He can't wait to go deliver it all!

The reptile Man was just amazing! He does an OUTSTANDING job with all his reptiles and with teaching children and adults about them. He gave Mac a t-shirt and it says-
"We will conserve only that which we respect. We will respect only that which we understand. We will understand only that which we are taught."
Simply Amazing- the kids learned a lot and have a new respect for all creatures. Thanks Rich, Mac will never forget his 10th birthday!
Here is a link to his web-site. Look him up-


Blogger Pam Griffis said...

Laura, you are such a better mom than I will ever be! I cannot imagine having all those creatures in my home! (not to mention the 29 kids, lol)

Happy birthday to Mac! Time goes by so fast!

Saturday, December 18, 2010  

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