Sunday, December 5, 2010

Griff's One Year appointment

Griff's appointment went well and he checked out nice and healthy! He weighs 24.9 lbs and is
31 1/4" long. His weight has leveled off a bit because he is very active. He is still a big boy on the charts both in height and weight. Dr. Anderson also noticed that 5 of his back teeth are already cutting through...OUCH!! No wonder the boy has been hollering full blast the last few weeks. I should have known something was up. He just doesn't usually scream that much unless we cinch him down in his car seat of course ;0)
Poor kid, she said his mouth looked very tender.
That is a whole lot of teeth to be cutting at one time and it is early too.
He had to have 4 shots. Dad went with me and I wasn't aware that he had never seen a baby get vaccinations before...
he was sitting in a chair for the whole appt, just listening to all the questions they ask and making a few comments here or there about how active Griff is. When the nurse came in to give the shots, he kind of joked a bit about it...but when Griff got the first one and started bawling I could see he was little disturbed. By the time the second shot was given, Griff was hysterical! Dad jumped out of his chair and came over to us and was desperately trying to console Griff, but he had this loud, nervous laugh bellowing from him and it was not helping. I felt like I had 2 very upset kiddos when we left. Dad looked at the nurse and said "Well, you just ruined his day!" I was quietly laughing at him as we left. I think Grandpa Tex is getting some real quality time with his grand babies this trip!!


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