Thursday, December 31, 2009

Griff at 1 month

It is hard to believe that Baby Griff is a month old. I know 4 weeks isn't that long, but I can barely remember what life was like before we had him...can't imagine life without him. It's amazing how much you love your children from the instant you meet them. It's so strong and deep, it's just mind blowing. We ALL love Griff. He fits into our growing family perfectly. I have had no problems adjusting to 3 kids. I am sometimes a few minutes late getting somewhere, but that's really more my fault at this point.

Griff is meeting all the "one month" milestones with ease. He recognizes all our voices, looks around at things, holds his head up well and he even rolled from his tummy to his back once! Tummy time is not his favorite, but I put him on his tummy for a few minutes each day to help him build up his neck muscles. He is pretty happy lil' guy and laid back. He sleeps through all the chaos and noise in the Potter home and tolerates his Big Sis smothering him all the time and constantly putting a pacifier in his mouth very well. He likes car rides, his swings and even just lying on the floor to stretch out. He is a great sleeper too. Only wakes twice a night to nurse and then usually goes right back to bed. Last night he only woke up once to nurse and that was at
6 am this morning! A full night's sleep was just awesome!

He nurses like a pro and would nurse all the time if I let him, but he also takes a bottle from anyone. I have been trying to pump a lot to have milk stored away for later. It's nice that he will take a bottle if I am busy with the Mac and Lilly or if we are out somewhere. The only time he gets upset about it is at night. He really only wants Momma at night time. He is a tank- I am sure that he is close to 11lbs at the moment. He has big shoulders and a big neck...the name "Griff" fits him perfectly! We have been enjoying getting to know him and look forward to getting to know him better. Everyday he changes a bit and more of his personality comes alive. We are very blessed to have a healthy and happy new baby in our family.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's SO cute and adorable! I can't wait to hold him again. please?
You have fine children, Mrs. Potter!

Thursday, December 31, 2009  

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