Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Belated Turkey Day & Baby Potter Update!

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day with your loved one's!
I was going to post updates yesterday, but I actually spent most of the day sleeping. It was kind of nice. Have not slept much lately...Anyhow- we did go over to Kathy's at about 3 p.m. and had a wonderful dinner. All the food was DELICIOUS and all I showed up with was rolls. Kathy did all the cooking and baking. It was kind of quiet from what we normally do, but it was nice. I even took a nap before we came back home last night! I wanted to show you all Lilly's Thanksgiving feast...she is SUCH A PICKY EATER. We had so much yummy food and below you will see what she had to eat...CRAZY KID! Ritz crackers, dried banana & strawberries and fruit snacks. YUCK... but she was happy. It's amazing to me that she even functions, thrives, grows on what she eats. Mac is totally the opposite of her when it comes to eating. He eats anything and everything and eats all the time! He is a bottomless pit. In fact, he ate a ton at Grandma's and then when we came home, he ate another full meal...

Now for the next bit of news... I saw my OB on Wednesday and found out that the baby is higher now than it was 2 weeks ago! There is a reason for this and may make things a bit harder for me to deliver on my own. I have an inverted pelvis. (means it is tilted forward a bit) This was not new info to us, but with this baby, it is really inverted. It must have tilted a lot sometime in the last two weeks and it actually caused the baby to move up, instead of down. That doesn't help either of us! Especially because baby is now over 8 lbs and crammed all up in the top of my belly area. They checked me and the baby out very thoroughly and we are both fine other than being uncomfortable. We went over all my options and I told her that I wanted try my best to deliver. So, I have until Monday evening to do exercises that may or may not help my pelvis tilt back enough for baby to drop down. I have had a lot of hard and strong contractions, but without baby moving down, they are not doing us any good. The one good thing is that the baby is not stressed at all. It is so high up that it does not feel most of them. The last two nights, I have had some very strong pressure in my chest, like someone is pushing/sitting on it, but I think it's from the baby being up so high. It is a weird and uncomfortable feeling. I think I will be glad when we are all done with this part...
So, here is the plan- we are going in on Monday evening at 8 p.m. and I will be admitted. They are going to give me a very low dose of putossin and some pain meds. They are going to "manipulate" my pelvis in attempt to help the baby drop. Doc says that hopefully I will be able to rest in between all of this, but that it is kind of painful. My OB will be in early on Tuesday morning to see how much progress is made. Hopefully she will then be able to break my water and labor will take off if baby has dropped. If baby has not dropped, we may be looking at a C-Section. I guess we'll just have to see how it all goes. I am really hoping that I can do this on my own. A C-Section would be more days in the hospital with a longer recovery time and I don't really want that. But, what's most important is doing what's right for baby. I am glad that I made it to my due date. We are anxious and excited! SO, baby will arrive sometime on Tuesday, December 1st! Everyone will be contacted via phone, e-mails and our blog. We will post pictures as soon as we are able.
We plan to take it easy over the next few days and get rest. The kids will go back to school on Monday, so we are just hanging out. I am having some maternity pictures taken tomorrow and taking the kids to see a movie. I may even do a little bit of shopping. Pat is going skiing this evening with his brother and some buddies.
Cathy B. (Momma B) will be coming over on Monday eve before we go in and she will be here with the kids until we come home. Kathy (Pat's mom) will be at the hospital with us. I think we are as ready as we can be.
That's it for now. Again, hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and have plenty to be thankful for! Love you all-


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lakota's sharing a bday with Tom!
I know that you'd probably like to have had the birth a little sooner and had an easier time. I wish that too. I hope that you don't have that much pain if any. You know that my thoughts, love, and prayers are always with you supporting you in all areas...especially for the birth of your wonderful new child! I am SO EXCITED!!! And thrilled to have some part in the adventure. I relish the time with Mac and Lilly! (and my pal, Snickers.)
Love you guys....more than you can imagine!

Friday, November 27, 2009  
Blogger Pam Griffis said...

We will be thinking of you guys on Tuesday! I know that you will make the best decision for you and your baby. I will say that I had 3 c-sections and it's not the end of the world. It was probably a little bit more difficult for a day or two, but I don't think it's that much to get over. Over 8 pounds sounds like a healthy baby! You have done great so far. Enjoy your next couple of days with Mac and Lilly. Tuesday will be here before you know it.

Sunday, November 29, 2009  
Blogger Kelsey said...

Praying for you. Can't wait to hear the news!!

Tuesday, December 01, 2009  

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