Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sleep, Lilly Sleep!

The last couple of days have been a bit rough in the sleep department...
Lilly is not sleeping well at all! I am exhausted and not sure what to do-
She is "scared" of her room all of a sudden. I thought she would be SUPER EXCITED to sleep in it now that it is PINK, the pink that she picked out all on her own...the color is called "Girl Talk". Anyhow, I finished it on Saturday and ever since that night, she has not been sleeping. She goes to bed on time, but wakes up an hour later crying and scared. She thinks there is something or someone in her closet and she is terrified by the smoke alarm on her ceiling. She says it moves.... I am not sure why she is just now noticing it other than maybe it blended in better with the ceiling color before I painted it. Does anyone know if it's okay to paint the smoke detector?? Maybe if it's the same color as her ceiling, it won't stand out and scare her anymore-
I hate that she is scared and won't sleep- she even missed school yesterday because she was awake from 3am until 7am. School starts at 8:30 and she CRASHED in my bed at 7am....she was out, snoring and all until 11:30! Same thing happened again last night, in fact she is sleeping at this moment and it is 9:30- I have an art class at 11:30, so she is going to have to get up soon.
As for projects- playroom is almost done. Lilly's room is painted but not put back together. I am still looking for a bed set that I like. Have not come across one yet. I got the paint for the ridiculously tall wall I am going to attempt to paint and I got the paint for Mac's room too- I have plenty of paint, just not a lot of "get up and paint" energy at the moment.... in time I guess.
Our weather has been a bit nuts. We have snow again today. I sure hope it all goes away by Spring Break!! We are still working on plans for the week, but would really like some warmer weather.
Also, one more short note- My Dad called yesterday to let me know that he broke his foot. He will be in a cast for at least 6 weeks. He had a little mishap on his motorcycle while he was visiting John in San Marcus last week. He broke it on Wednesday, waited until Saturday to leave, rode home (on motorcycle) with it broken and not casted. He had an appt at the VA Hospital in El Paso yesterday, so he just waited until then to have it looked at. They lectured him and put a cast on it.....typical hard-headed Dad is all I can say.
I am glad that he got to visit with John and he stayed through Saturday because John made Lieutenant at the facility he works at. They had a ceremony and Dad wanted to be there for it. It is a good move for John, he gets a pay raise (good for any college student) etc, so CONGRATS to you Bubba!

This is a picture of Christine, Momma B and myself at her candle party. I went to 3 candle parties in 3 weeks! I think I am cut off for awhile!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i know this is not really helpful....but you come do my 12 hr days of conferencing and I will take care of Lilly at night for ya. :)
seriously, i will check out the sleep thing with my compadres here at school. There is a good book to read to here called "A Nightmare in my Closet." I can let you borrow it.
i'll get back to you....(louise said cold medicine...and laughed)
good luck....

Tuesday, March 10, 2009  

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