Thursday, January 29, 2009

Random Thoughts-

At the moment I am waiting for a service guy to show up and look at our dishwasher and oven. Our appliances are all new and yet we still end up with something not working properly...go figure. The dishwasher is leaking water during the wash cycle and the oven (when turned on) smells of natural gas very strongly- too strongly in my opinion. I was told that this was normal and that the smell would fade with time and more use of the oven. Well, I have been cooking/baking since September and it's not any better!
It's like...hey welcome to my smells like rotten eggs when I am cooking....but don't worry, my food is good. I think that if I had the option again between gas appliances and electric appliances, I would not do the natural gas- when the repair guy called yesterday and asked me a bunch of questions I could tell that he felt like I was just complaining about nothing and that it was going to be a waste of his time to come look at my stove/oven. Oh and it gets better- I asked him what time he would be over- he says between 12-2 p.m.
UGH...I wanted to scream at him...I politely ask if there is another time he could come out and he replies "NO" dilemma??
Lilly needs to be at speech at 1:15 and Mac needs to be picked up from school at 2:00. Could the guy have picked a better time....not to mention that I have some kind of stupid head cold again and I am a bit cranky. Hopefully by sipping my Throat Coat Tea and venting on my blog, I won't bite the guys head off when he gets here! Ha- just kidding...I am not that cranky...YET-

I can't believe that January is just about over... it did seem like a long month at times, but overall it went by quickly. Mac had a lot of time off from school this month. I kept thinking, "didn't he have enough time off for Christmas?" One of the days off was for ML King Day. Now, don't get me wrong or get your undies in pinch....I think he was an amazing individual and what he did should always be remembered/celebrated! the kids really need a day off from school? Couldn't they go to school and spend the day REALLY learning about what he stood for and what he accomplished or spend the day doing some volunteering or working on a community project?? Instead of, he made a speech and you get the day off from school. I guarantee you that the majority of kids would respond that's sad. I think a lot of holidays/remembrance days have turned into "just a day off from school" for a lot of kids. They do not know the real purpose of Labor Day, Veterans Day, ML King Day, Memorial Day etc.
There are some schools in Oregon considering going to a 4 day school week in order to cut costs. SERIOUSLY?? They should be ashamed...what's going to happen to our kids' futures if their education needs keep getting cut because of funding? I KNOW that WE ALL pay enough flippin' taxes to support our kids' education needs, SO WHERE IS ALL THE MONEY? Has the country not learned already that you HAVE to invest in your future leaders/society??
Just Ridiculous is all I can say-
Anyhow, enough with my random thoughts-
We have many, many things to be thankful for! Both of the kids are doing great. Mac has had a few piano lessons this month and he seems to be enjoying it! He can play Old McDonald very well. I wanted to record him, but it makes him a bit nervous, so I'll wait awhile-
Lilly is going and blowing 110% as always...she keeps us all on our toes! She has not been sleeping that great lately and Pat and I are stumped as to why. She was doing really great for a long stretch of time- hopefully, she'll get back on track soon.
Pat is still keeping busy at work and that is most definitely a blessing! I too, keep busy...never a problem there-
All in All, January was a good month!
I had a HUGE prayer answered this month.... my Dad was finally approved for FULL VA coverage and they are going to take care of his bills from his accident/injuries. There have been several people that have been working on this for OVER A YEAR and we finally won. You'd think that any Veteran would be taken care of, much less a Vietnam Vet...I mean they only fought for our freedom, witnessed horrible things and were sprayed with lovely Agent Orange....GEEZE!! Just another thing I soo love about our Government!!
Ta-Ta for now-


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow. You stink!! ha. rotten eggs? that is horrible!! I will ask around to see if others smell gas when cooking on their gas appliances. doesn't sound right to me.
Sorry about time off from school so much. As a teacher....I LOVE IT!!! :) But I do understand where you are coming from! Especially since you guys had so many snow days. do the kids have to make it up by going later in June? I don't think Canby has the money to do that. Well, we in the banana belt did not have THAT many days off. So much for living at the base of a snow capped mtn?????
did you get the dishwasher fixed? did the gas man cometh? makes life fun, huh?
well, just think....Spring will be here soon enough and we will be having nicer warmer weather! I am ready for it!!!
Silly Lilly! I think NOT sleeping at night is a girl thing. If I were your nanny, just think....I could keep her company at night. :)
Hope you are feeling a bit better when you read this. love ya...

Thursday, January 29, 2009  
Blogger Pat and Laura Potter said...

The dishwasher is temporarily fixed, he has to come back out again. The stove is fixed and I am pleased to say that there WAS something wrong with it...I was not "just" complaining. The repair guy was nice when he got here, but he had been kind of rude to me on the phone-
My post today sounded really grumpy...oops, sorry. I wasn't really that grouchy, just came across that way. I DO think that Teachers need days off, was not implying that you all don't. I was trying to point out more the fact that kids don't have a true understanding of what most of the holidays/remembrance days are about. Maybe parents need to step up and make sure their kids know what these special days are for instead of always expecting teachers to do it all- (read Linsey's post for the day)
Anyhow- I like having my's good to be able to vent and hear other people's feedback. I always appreciate it.

Thursday, January 29, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI---I actually tried to put a photo of you and Mac on my blog with a note that said something like this:
thank you to all of the oarents who put family first and teach values and love and respect.
I said that you were my all time favorite family and that I appreciate you.
anyways, i tried to post it....but my blog was way too long and it wouldn't let me. so i say it now....on yours. to you.
much love...cathy

Friday, January 30, 2009  

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