Tuesday, January 13, 2009

On the go-

My Bunco Group!

It has been almost a week since my last post and what a week it's been!
Dad left last Monday. That same evening was Bunco night and it was our 1 year mark! I was really glad Bunco was that evening because it took my mind off saying bye to my Dad. (Never gets easier!)
The kids were back to school on Tuesday. I have been scrambling to get back in the groove of our somewhat hectic routine. I just realized this past week how all the snow days we had really slowed things down for us...I am now appreciating that slow time! The kids were kind of cranky last week. They were tired and having a bit of a time getting back to their school schedules. So far, this week has gone better. I have 8 art classes to do this month instead of my regular 4...actually, I have only 7 now. Did first one last Wednesday- anyhow, we are gettin' our groove back! Mac is getting ready to start roller hockey, piano lessons and baseball...all I can do is try to keep up! Lilly is going to start swimming lessons and we are going to take a Mommy and Me Dance class together. Ha- to be a fly on the wall when I try this class out!! Pat had left for his annual guys trip to Vegas on Thursday, so I had the kiddo's all to myself until late Sunday. Unfortunately, he did not come home as a millionaire, but at least he broke even- Ha!
Also, somewhere in this time frame I had a birthday! I can now just say I am 30 something...never have to give my actual age! COOL- I had a great birthday. I got to spend it with some of my best friends and also celebrated it with some of my awesome family. Another year under my belt, YAHOO!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a beautiful 30 something!
oh busy lady!!! see ya at bunco

Tuesday, January 13, 2009  
Blogger Tanya said...

Happy very late birthday, I know you had a great one.

I have been in the 30 somethings for quite sometime, I can't believe Cody will be 35 in March. I was hopeing to be in a house by then, so I could give him a big party, oh well.

I have never played bunco, I need to find a group. My grandmother plays too and really enjoys it.

Love ya

Thursday, January 15, 2009  

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