Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The New Year...

The start of the year according to the Gregorian Calendar - Not mine.

Here are a few thoughts I have on 'New Year's Resolutions" ...again, just my thoughts and opinions. After all, this is my blog.

I usually do not make Resolutions like a lot of people I know because most of them never make it longer than a few months! So why make resolutions, when you're just going to break them. Why not make yourself this single promise instead:
To live life.
Your life, and not anyone Else's.
Make it a good life, a life you want, a life that makes you happy, a life you are proud of...and remember to help others a long your journey.

Don't promise yourself you'll join a gym you won't go to, don't promise yourself you'll save money you haven't got.

Promise to live your life. That way, when you reflect on what life you want to have, you'll reconsider the extra-fudge brownie, for two reasons: you'll have saved twice over. Once for the $2.75 that could have gone to gas money or groceries, and twice for the 275 calories you didn't eat.

I've been trying to make an active lifestyle change. Not for the new year, not even for my family, but for me. For the fact that I want to live properly. I want to be healthy, and that's not coming from a gym membership. That's coming from the little choices I make that will inevitably make differences in the long term of my life.I have lots of things I think I can improve on, lots of things I have never tried. Maybe, I would learn a lot of new things about myself and hopefully set a great example, as well as teach my kids a few life lessons a long the way.

There's no doubt that a lot of these thoughts and feelings are coming from a deep sadness and hurt that I have been caring around for almost 2 months now...sounds like a while, but in the timeline of "life", 2 months is nothing or is it everything? I guess it just depends-

I know that I am a bit "lost" at the moment, but it's a necessary lost, a lost that I have been forced to experience. How I come out of it and what I learn from it- depends entirely on how I choose to handle it. This reason alone, is why I have decided to make a single promise to myself; not a New Year's Resolution.
Now don't get me wrong here, I am not knocking or putting any of you down that make a New Year's Resolution. I wish you the best of luck with it.
This is simply my first step towards- My Life Promise.

I really hate that I have to start my New Year without a few loved one's in it, especially my father. The thoughts of him that happen daily are just painful. I miss him terribly. I can't seem to find any comfort yet in our thousands of happy memories. This must be why I have put off even thinking or acknowledging that it's 2012. Yes, I know that in time- all of this will change and I will be so thankful for the thousands of memories I have of Dad.

For those of you that know me well, I am NOT the most patient person, so waiting on "time" is not the easiest thing for me. Hmmm... wonder where I got that from? Griffis' are not the most patient people. At-least, I know that I came by this one honestly-
This will be one of the many things I will work on from here on out- patience.

It seems I am rambling now, so I better close before you all come to the conclusion that I have officially "really lost it"...and the fact that Griff just woke up from his nap. Thanks for reading and know that I am attempting to get a little bit stronger each day.
Much love to you all-


Blogger Tanya said...

You have not lost it. I always break my New Year resolution, always try harder, I say, to myself of course. I know they say time heals all wounds, this has to be true. I am praying for you daily. I know we might not be close and I live forever away, but if you need to talk I am here. Thanks for the post, very inspirational.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012  
Blogger Coody Corner said...

well said....what you will soon realize is this is what it takes to move on to those precious memories you find so painful right now. Just like your time with him was precious, your time with his memories will bring pleasure in its own way...a different way but still a blessed way. It is the way of life....thank goodness God has given us some measure of pleasure in each phase of our journey through life...I know you feel you are floundering, but you are are finding your way just fine.

Thursday, January 19, 2012  

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