Monday, March 30, 2009

~ Wild Life Safari ~

We decided to get out & do one fun event for Spring Break, since my head was feeling better. We left Wednesday, drove to Veneta & spent the night with my grandparents. It worked out great because Veneta is a little more than halfway to Winston where Wild Life Safari is. It was a nice way to break up the drive & see all my family. My Mom is currently staying at my grandparents, so when we got up on Thursday to head for the Safari, she came with us. We had a great time and Mom felt well enough to enjoy the day with us.
The Safari is a 600 acre setting where most of the animals are wild and roam free (except tigers, cheetahs and lions) inside the 600 acres. It is great way to see them up close. You drive through most of the park and some of the animals come right up to your car! It was really cool and the kids loved it. They even rode a camel...and so did my Mom & I.
Mac was my photographer and he took his job seriously....taking 182 pictures! My camera ended up with a dead charge about 3/4 of the way through the trip- so I did not get pictures of everything, but he took enough.
After a full day, we headed back to Grandma & Grandpa's and spent another night. We came home on Friday afternoon because Mac had baseball camp on Saturday & Sunday.
It was a great visit!

This is a video of the playful bears. I was just amazed at how close they were to us and they were captivating to watch. You will also get a kick out of Lilly's comments in the background.

Lilly stood on the console and looked out through the moon roof....she had the best view by far! I am not sure who took the picture of her bum!

Lilly loved the giraffe's and we did get closer to them than this pic, but I can't find a picture of it. She kept saying "I want to ride my Giraffe!" and Mac kept correcting her "Lilly, we are going to ride a Camel, not a Giraffe!" and of course, Lilly was changing her mind about what she is right or wrong about!!

This llama just about stuck his head in, Mac rolled up the window very quickly-

This is a buffalo, gives you an idea of just how close they are to the car- I had to stop several times to give them room!

The rhinos were very lazy when we drove by, but we did see them up later in the day roaming around.


Blogger TL LARA said...

That looks like so much fun! I wish there were more things like that to do around here!

Monday, March 30, 2009  
Blogger Kelsey said...

That looks like fun! I'm so glad you both were feeling up to it. And I must say, I'm impressed with Mac's photography. He did a bang up job.

Sorry you were late to the party over at my blog. I bet you were a little confused when you read some of my newer posts first. We're super excited and thanks so much for the prayers!

Monday, March 30, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terrific pictures, Mac!!
Sounds like you all had so much fun. Glad to hear that your mom went with you. Bonding is a good thing!? Kinda cool that we both were having some mom-daughter time.
Hope yours was as nice as mine!
glad you were well enough to make the trip, too! Keep healthy, my dear!!!! And thanks for sharing the pictures!

Monday, March 30, 2009  
Blogger Coody Corner said...


Wednesday, April 01, 2009  

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