Wednesday, October 8, 2008

It's Potter Time....

OK, so my blog has been a LONG TIME coming....
we will see how well I can keep up with it.
I can never seem to find enough hours in the day...I am sure that sounds familiar to you all.

We have been crazy busy for, well, ALWAYS. Things seem to never slow down. We moved into our new house FINALLY. Have been in a little over 4wks now. In that short 4 weeks, we have started football, Mac has started at a new school & Lilly has started pre-school. I have had to try to get to know new moms & staff at each school, have become "team mom" for football, figure out new schedules for all of us, un-pack & try to decorate....I know, I am big whiner.

Overall, things have gone very well. Kids like their schools, Mac loves football & we all love having a new house.

Most of all, I am just surprised at how quickly time seems to be flying by. Mac is 7 now (will be 8 in DEC) & Miss Lilly is 3! Holy Heck, where does the time go?? JEEZ!!!! It's nuts. We have two NEW BABIES on the Griffis side of the family & when I see their cute little pictures, I wish mine were babes again. It just goes by way too fast.

Well, gotta get going. Still have to try to figure out some stuff for this blogging. Take care & keep in touch. Much luv to u all!

In His Grip- Laura


Blogger Kelly Jo said...


Hee! Hee! I get to be your first ever comment. Surely that makes up for all the times I have thought of you and not managed to call, right? Miss you guys so much. A long phone call and/or visit is way overdue. How does 2am work for you?!?!?!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008  
Blogger Tanya said...

Finally you joined the blogging club. Sometimes, I don't even post for a month or so, I need to added it into my weekly schedule. Glad you are blogging now. I enjoy having another blog to read.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008  
Blogger Kelsey said...

Woohoo! Can't wait to hear about all of your adventures!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008  
Blogger Pat and Laura Potter said...

Hey! I am so excited to have comments on my blog! yahoo!!! I still have not figured out this whole set-up, but am working on it. I am not a computer whiz, so may take me awhile. It is about
9am and I have not gotten much accomplished yet. I did go for my 2 mile walk at 7:30, but that's about it. I think this blogging may help me procrastinate on getting stuff done...ha! Lilly cut her own bangs last night...I about died! I have been growing them out and they were almost the smae length as the rest of her hair & now they are SUPER short. UGH...silly girl. Of course she is beyond proud of herself! I'll try to get a picture posted later. Hey Kelly Jo, I am up for a 2am phone call if that's all we can fit in! We miss you all too! Like I have said always, there are not enough hours in the day! Thx Tanya & Kelsey for checking out my blog too! I am looking forward to keeping in touch with you all! I need to get this to Linsey too! Brody is so cute!! I cannot wait to see more pics of him. Well, gotta go for now! TTYL-

Thursday, October 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Golly! I hope this works! I am so proud of you for being up-to-date in the world of technology! Blogging!
Maybe I ought to hire you to create my classroom blog. The district wants us to write 2 each month. who has time?

I love the pictures of the kids! Great football photos! Haha! Mac is an awesome player! Football seems to be his thing! And, Lilly is growing up way to fast! Stylin' her hair already! :)

Well thanks for sending me your blog site. Very nicely done!
love ya...momma b

Thursday, October 09, 2008  

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